keskiviikko 19. helmikuuta 2014

Verbal and nonverbal communication - 18/2/2014
During the class we got to know better, how verbal and nonverbal communication affects in the situations, when people communicate with each others. I realized that verbal communication is more effective, because you can use both your voice and expressions to make it clear what you want to communicate to the other persons. But all in all, nonverbal communication is something we believe more. If persons expressions and verbal messages are in conflict, people often believe the language of body and expressions. They can be seen more trustable, because the body language rarely lies.

Both exercises which we did in the class lasted a long time, so it really challenge me to try and focus on very carefully. In our group we had three persons, so it was little bit different than communication with only one person. You had to take account both persons equally and not to leave one outside of the group. But with three persons we really could communicate and ”talk” differents things with or without words. It was interesting to experience how we could create a story during the exercises, especially when we couldn’t speak. Gestures, expressions and body language
were things with help of which we could communicate very fluently and we could understand each others very well. When we did the exercise with music and without talking, the music affected a lot, especially how we take our roles and how we felt during the exercise.
I liked a lot of the class, because it really remind me of being in Portugal as an exchange student. Even though I’m able to understand a little bit portuguese, my commucation and understanding depends a lot of the people’s expressions and body language. During the different practical dance classes, I have noticed that even though I don’t understand always the instructions, I can very well still understand the main idea of the exercise when I’m following teacher’s or my classmates’ expressions and way of doing things. So this class was really good also for me to realize this aspect.

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