maanantai 24. helmikuuta 2014

Follow and remember - 21/2/2014

The heading tells well, how I experienced this class. We did very interesting exercise, where we first created choreography, which have to include free movement - turning - balance - falling down. I liked  a lot of this kinds of exercises, because you can very easily create small choreography and maybe you can also do a longer choreography by adding different people's choreographies together. Because in the future I will be teacher of physical education, I always try to find some good exercises to use during the sport classes. And I really like this one.

The exercise continued, that in small groups we presented our dance series to the others three or four times. Others followed our dance and after we finished the teacher came to give us more specific instructions, which one others didn't hear. The instructions were for example, to imagine that you are presenting your little choreography in different ground (soft, hard, swamp, hot) or that you have to use different dynamics, speed or movements. Then we presented the choreography again and others tried to figured out what things changed and what was different. This exercise really challenge you to focus very well of course doing your own part (presenting the dance serie), but also focusing the little details and differences what others were presenting. I think that this exercise would be very suitable for the dancing classes in the schools.

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