maanantai 24. helmikuuta 2014

Out of the dancing halls - 24/2/2014

First time we got the chance to improvise somewhere else than in dancing halls and I was so excited. I have never done this kinds of things before, but I have always wanted to try. So we went to cultural centre of Belém and we presented different kinds of improvisation exercises in different places in the building. We had lots of opportunities to do what we liked to do and I really liked that, because I haven't done this kinds of things before and it was really good, that you could work in your comfort zone first.

I was surprised how well I manage to improvise during the class in Belém. It didn't feel awkward or embarrassing and I think that I did my best. Still, there were two things that I would like to have done differently. First I should have take more contact to my class mates and create with them improvisation "story". Second, I would like to have imitate other persons much more (for example tourists, staff) and be more activate in those kinds of situations. But I noticed that I wasn't ready for that and it felt really difficult to me, so maybe it was better that I didn't step out of my comfort zone yet. But I really like to tried it next time, when I'm probably more ready for that.

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