maanantai 17. helmikuuta 2014

Exploring movements- 17/2/2014

Fourth class of the OD2 entered more deeply to the imitation and of course, improvisation.
We did a very interesting walking exercise, which have many different dimensions. First we explore more closely our own way of walking around and then we moved to examine how other classmates walked and which kinds of things was part of their personal way of moving one place to another.

Let's walk

Every person has it own ways of moving around and walking is a good example of movement, which is determined persons backgrounds, for example structure of the body, sport backgrounds and possible injuries. Mainly you can think that every person walks with the same way, but as we today discover, during the class, our walk consists very many things and every person's walk have it own characteristics. When we imitated our classmates walk, we really had to find those bigger or smaller details and see what kinds of parts the movement consists. It was very interesting and I noticed that I easily pick a person to imitate, when she or he had a very clear and personal way of walking. This is mainly, because it is more easy to follow someones movements, when the details of walk are more visible and you don't have to pay attention to the small and more hard-to-find details.

Our another exercise was both imitating and improvising. We formed a triangle and every time someone us lead the group for a while improvising different kinds of movements. I was excited of my own turn of lead the group with my own movements, because I haven't done lots of improvisation exercise. Luckily it went well and it the real situation I could create lots of movements from the first thought. I liked really much to imitate others movements and I noticed that you can really enhance your skills of imitating during these kinds of exercises. We did little bit same kind of exercise in the second class of OD2 and it was much harder to imitate others in the second class than it was now. I was very surprised.

The best thing during this exercise was to see, how different moments different people can create. There was no same kind of movement during the exercise, which lasted about half an hour. I learned a lot and at the same time my own storage of the movements increased. because I could see how the others used their body to move place to another. I also enjoyed movements which had lots of contrast from each others (bigger-smaller, fast-slow etc.). In addition it was great to see, how the whole group could work so well together
, almost at the same time, even though someone was creating movements, which anyone didn't know before.

All in all, this lesson of the OD2 was very educational, because I learned a lot of things of myself, others, imitating, improvising and dancing.

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