tiistai 18. maaliskuuta 2014

Land and sea – 17/3/2014

This monday we started our class near the train station in Cruz Quebrada. Our first exercise concentrated moving very near the wall, which was full of graffities. During the task we moved in different speeds depending what kinds of sounds we heard around us. It was good start for the class and it was first very easy to invent different movements. But after a while I face the same problem which I have had before. My movements started to be very similar and there was no much variation between different movements. This is interesting phenomenon for me, because it doesn’t come very often but when it comes, it’s very difficult to get rid of it.

This same problem continued to be in almost every  exercise, which we did also in the rest of the class. I have to try to think different strategies how I could overcome this problem. First thing is that, I should not think too much what I’m doing and not to be too critical of my movements. I should let go and do different movements in a flow. Every movement doesn’t have to be so beautiful and clean, but they can be whatever I want them to be. I have to think also that this is the unique experience to try different movements and find new ways of use my body and its limits.  So I have to reduce my thinking and just dance, imitate and improvise without thinking. Let’s see how this works out in the next classes.

I loved to do exercises in the beach and I’m so happy that we try different places to do improvisations. I think that very interesting exercise was, when we did different sounds and your pair have to do different movements and react to those sounds. In this exercise I noticied that I did movement, which came first to my mind. Because we didn’t had music but the sounds of our pair did, I did lots of different movements, which I don’t normally do. So this exercise was also an excellent way to discover new movements. Music affects a lot what you are doing, so it was good only to follow the sounds and let them be your guides. This was something I learned in this class.

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