tiistai 18. maaliskuuta 2014

Dance and acrobatics- 18/3/2014

Acroyoga (http://www.kinetichive.com/?attachment_id=10)
Dancing and improvising include also lots of acrobatics and often you need to control your body very carefully. Today’s class we started with different contact exercises, where we first get to know our body and our pair’s body and feel how they work together. We layed down top of each other and bit by bit change this to small movements and finally to the different balance positions. Other was balancing and other was supporting the balance position. This was little bit similar than acroyoga.

I see that these kinds of exercises are very good for the children and the young. For example some of the children are not so into dancing, so through these kinds of exercises they can realize that dancing and improvising is lot more wide field and you need different skills in that. Also some young people love to dance, but hate for example to do gymnastics. When they realize that they have to also enhance these more acrobatic skills to be better dancers, they often get motivation and started to do more, for example gymnastics, and also learn to like these kinds of exercises, because they can develop them to be better dancers. So it is very important to show during the classes that dancing and improvising is more than learning steps and choreographies. It is also team work, learn to work with different persons and it develop so many skills, for example patience, to take other people into account and learn to know your body better and learn to love it.

In the end of the class, we tried software called IsadorCore, where you can change the picture, which the program is showing. For example one interesting was, that softwhere only showed the movement which moved. If you stayed still, you couldn’t see yourself from the computer. This was very good program to get to know, because this is something which students would like and be interested in, too. Students are different and if you can bring technological perspect to the dance classes, it is sure that some of the students will get so much more motivation during the classes. I also think that software would be great also when you are doing some dance presentations in some school’s celebrations, for example the end of the semester or the whole year. This software would bring a totally new perspective for the dancing and improvising.    


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