perjantai 28. maaliskuuta 2014

Contact improvisation - 28/3/2014

This was the last time we worked doing contact improvisation with the guest teacher. I found many important things, which I consider very meaningful in the field of learning and teaching the improvisation and especially the contact improvisation.

We begun the class doing improvisation with objects, which we had chosen and which was meaningfull to us. I chose camera, because it has been very important object to me during my stay here in Portugal. It is been for me way to remember things and tell the story of my stay here. I never go here anywhere without camera, because there is always something which surprises me or makes happy, so the camera is for me the thing, that saves the important moments I have lived here.

I think that improvising with objectives is very good way to make a trip to ourselves and our relationships with objects. When we presented our short improvising compositions to the others, it was interesting to see that in many compositions, what kind of relationship people have to their objects, which they have picked. The movements and the voice together helped a lot to realize, what kinds of stories was behind the object and the person, who did the improvisation. Even though we can see and sense, what is the story behind the improvisation, I think that it is important that we don’t do conclusion, which goes very further. The story behind the movements and voice can be totally different to the person who made it than for the audience. Soi f we want to know the meaning for the person, we should first ask it from the person who made the composition.

We made also contact improvisation with pairs and it was extremly hard, but at the same time very interesting, because it really challenge you to think. The two main things in the contact improvisation are that, you can’t use force when you are doing movements with other people. The another thing is that you have to control your body, even though you will support and be supported by another person. You can’t give your whole weight to the arms of another. We learned that you can do the contact improvisation in the upper level (standing) and of course in the low level (in floor). It was much easier to do that on standing because the possibilities to support and be supported by were much more wilder. You could also let the another lead you and move you from place to another. I realized and learned that contact improvisation is very exact team work and the persons, who are doing it, are blend to each others as they were only one person.  

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