tiistai 11. maaliskuuta 2014

Baixa-Chiado – 10/3/2014

First class after holiday we meet next to baixa-chaido metro station and started to do different  improvising exercises. This class was for me the hardest. It wasn’t diffucult to improvise and do different tasks when strangers looked us, but it was very hard to take contact to the people who passed by and overall, to concentrate. I was trying to find different reasons for this feeling. Maybe the place was so big and I didn’t feel very comfortable and safe in there. Maybe it was also, because holiday has just ended and this was the first class after it. I was bit tired and I couldn’t give everything I got. It is suprising how your life outside of the school can affect so much to your classes.

But after all I was amazed after class, how my comfort zone has come more bigger. I didn’t mind if other peole laught and stare of us. I feeled more nicer when they actually did that than comprared to the situation when they didn’t pay any attention what we were doing. I’m very happy of this progress and I think that this will help me a lot in my life overall. I think that it is very important skill to have competence to just let go and do different things and not to care too much what other people are thinking. Sometimes I have done this too much and now I’m really happy, that I have realesed myself of these chains bit by bit.

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